Ruffin' It Canine Club
Ruffin' It Canine Club

How it all works:

Before your dog's first day at daycare, you are required to complete our enrollment application and a 15 minute assessment with our trainer. The assessment will look at your dog's suitability for our program. Our program consists of young, high energy pups who love to wrestle and play with dogs of all shapes and sizes. If that sounds like your dog, contact us to book your assessment today!

Why every dog is not a good fit for daycare:

Dogs are individual beings, just like humans. A lot of dogs love daycare, but not everyone will enjoy being in a group all day. Some dogs prefer the company of humans rather than other dogs and some prefer socializing in small groups(2-3 other dogs).Dogs are individual beings, just like humans. A lot of dogs love daycare, but not everyone will enjoy being in a group all day. Some dogs prefer the company of humans rather than other dogs and some prefer socializing in small groups(2-3 other dogs).

If your dog is not successful in his/her assessment, it is not a sign that you have done anything wrong as an owner! There are many training options available if you wish to work on your dog’s behaviour, skills, or confidence. With time and patience, every dog can be successful at Ruffin’ It!

What to bring:

If your dog eats during the day, please pack their meal in a labeled container that he/she can eat from (please have the portion measured in advance). Also include any medications your dog requires.

What about potty breaks and feeding times? Rest assured that your dog’s individual needs will be taken care of by our attentive staff! Feedings will take place individually, either in our crates or rest rooms. Dogs will have the opportunity to go outside for potty breaks several times throughout the day.

Why rest time?

Some owners may be concerned that your dog will spend time alone during the day. Dog care professionals recognize the need for down time during a dog’s day to avoid overstimulation. Like humans, most dogs need a break from being in a large group throughout the day. Dogs also need more sleep than humans. Rest time gives them a quiet place to rest up and be ready to play and learn again! Individual needs of each dog will be considered. If your dog does not enjoy a crate we also have other options.

More program details can be found in our Policy Manual.

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